Arizona School Choice Hypocrisy Map

(State Representative - D)
Rep. Lieberman attended an exclusive private school in Arizona and now sends his own children to a top charter school, but he opposes school choice measures.

(Superintendent of Public Instruction - D)
Kathy Hoffman attended an elite private school in Oregon, but actively opposes school choice programs for children in Arizona.

(State Representative - D)
Representative Butler sent her two sons to a private school in Arizona. Now, as an elected official, she sponsors legislation that would prevent low-income families from having the opportunity to choose a private school education for their kids.

(State Senator - D)
Senator Rios sent her child to a private school and now she fights against giving that opportunity to low-income families in Arizona.

(State Senator - D)
Senator Peshlakai opposes private school choice because scholarships can be used in other states But she sends her own child to a private school in Colorado.

(State Representative - D)
Representative Epstein claims to be “public school proud” and fights against school choice programs for disadvantaged families like Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. But, she sent her own kids to private school.