Protecting and Promoting School Choice

September 2020

#31: U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop’s CHOICE Act

Congressman Dan Bishop (R-NC) joins Corey DeAngelis to talk about a bill he introduced in the US House of Representatives that would expand Opportunity Grants for children who lack options for in-person instruction.  Find EFI online at, @EF_Institute on twitter, and Educational Freedom Institute on Facebook and other social platforms. *Please pardon the weather-related

#31: U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop’s CHOICE Act Read More »

New York Post: It’s union power, not safety issues, that’s determining which US schools reopen this fall

By Corey DeAngelis and Christos Makridis: It’s back-to-school season, but millions of students won’t be going back to the classroom. Teachers are fighting tooth and nail to prevent reopening public schools for in-person learning — in the name of safety. Yet our just-released study suggests that these reopening decisions have more to do with influence

New York Post: It’s union power, not safety issues, that’s determining which US schools reopen this fall Read More »